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Experts believe that in 2024, short-term rental prices in Turkey will increase by a third

  • 01.12.2023
  • 1649
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Experts believe that in 2024, short-term rental prices in Turkey will increase by a third

Legislative changes in Turkey covering rental properties could lead to rent increases of 30% or more. This is primarily due to a reduction in the number of offers, since not every unit will be rentable. The measures taken by the authorities are designed to regulate this sector, although in practice, they lead to the complication of the entire process.

Now, in order to rent out an apartment short-term, not only a licence will be required but also the consent of all owners in the apartment building. Additional expenses will also lead to an increase in rent: in addition to the tax, you will have to pay a registration fee for each tenant. Experts believe that these measures may reduce the amount of foreign investment in local housing stock, although not significantly. Purchasing decisions will now simply be made with more caution.

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